So, this week, I’m back from a convention and have 5000 more words of a novella draft to write, and…

Revenant Wings is proving to be surprisingly distracting for such a lightweight game. Apparently I was in the mood for mental popcorn.
An exultant FMV makes us feel like we’ve achieved something despite the blasphemy of not having a world map. (Just kidding; I played far too many early games without world maps to care.)
I should stop yik yakking and sit back to enjoy the most uplifting, pretty FMV that a teeny tiny DS screen can manage. In 2x magnification, but still.
Woo hoo! Wave at Bhujerba (?) as we fly by!

No idea what we’re flying into here… Mist? Balthier’s aftershave? Exploded sparkly vampires?

I love the refreshing Phon Coast theme; I can almost hear that blue jay sound effect that someone must’ve imagined sounded like a seagull.
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